Augmented reality (AR) is an interactive experience of a real-world environment where the objects that reside in the real world are enhanced by computer-generated perceptual information, sometimes across multiple sensory modalities, including visual, auditory, haptic, somatosensory and olfactory.

1901: L. Frank Baum, an author, first mentions the idea of an electronic display/spectacles that overlays data onto real life (in this case ‘people’). It is named a ‘character marker.
- 1957–62: Morton Heilig, a cinematographer, creates and patents a simulator called Sensorama with visuals, sound, vibration, and smell.
- 1968: Ivan Sutherland invents the head-mounted display and positions it as a window into a virtual world.
- 1975: Myron Krueger creates Videoplace to allow users to interact with virtual objects.
- 1980: The research by Gavan Lintern of the University of Illinois is the first published work to show the value of a heads up display for teaching real-world flight skills.[198]
- 1980: Steve Mann creates the first wearable computer, a computer vision system with text and graphical overlays on a photographically mediated scene. See Eye Tap. See Heads Up Display.
- 1981: Dan Reitan geospatially maps multiple weather radar images and space-based and studio cameras to earth maps and abstract symbols for television weather broadcasts, bringing a precursor concept to augmented reality (mixed real/graphical images) to TV.
- 1986: Within IBM, Ron Feigenblatt describes the most widely experienced form of AR today (viz. “magic window,” e.g. smartphone-based Pokémon Go), use of a small, “smart” flat panel display positioned and oriented by hand.
Augmented reality is often confused with virtual reality, so a difference between them :-
Hardware components for augmented reality are: a processor, display, sensors and input devices. Modern mobile computing devices like smartphones and tablet computers contain these elements, which often include a camera and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) sensors such as an accelerometer, GPS, and solid state compass, making them suitable AR platforms. There are two technologies used in augmented reality: diffractive waveguides and reflective waveguides.

A key measure of AR systems is how realistically they integrate augmentations with the real world. The software must derive real world coordinates, independent of camera, and camera images.
In augmented reality, the distinction is made between two distinct modes of tracking, known as marker and marker less. Markers are visual cues which trigger the display of the virtual information.
The implementation of augmented reality in consumer products requires considering the design of the applications and the related constraints of the technology platform. Since AR systems rely heavily on the immersion of the user and the interaction between the user and the system, design can facilitate the adoption of virtuality. For most augmented reality systems , a similar design guideline can be followed.
When the quality of the output or task efficiency of an experience is improved for the user, there is no doubt that the future will belong to AR. In conclusion, augmented reality (AR) has evolved from pipe dream (dreams of tech enthusiasts) to a substantial reality in just within a century.
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